When relocating to a new area, it’s crucial to have confidence that your belongings are protected and carefully handled. At EHOUSEMOVERS, we follow rigorous quality control protocols that meet the industry’s most demanding standards.

“ With EHOUSEMOVERS, our clients can depend on total protection of the goods and information confided to us ”

EHOUSEMOVERS is primarily dedicated to guaranteeing the safety of all items entrusted to us, our clients, team members, equipment, premises, and the security of all information provided to us. EHOUSEMOVERS implements highly stringent protocols and continuously assesses the effectiveness of our procedures and personnel to ensure compliance with these standards.

Our targeted strategies are concentrated on these primary objectives:

  • Protecting your personal effects
  • Protecting your information
  • Protecting people

Protecting your personal effects


The foundation of EHOUSEMOVERS lies in its dedicated staff, many of whom have dedicated their entire professional lives to the organization. Training is a cornerstone within the company, cutting across all roles, and enabling both teams and individuals to progress their careers from within.

Our packing crews are meticulously trained to implement all necessary measures to prevent unauthorized entry to the work site. We are committed to safeguarding the removal site, its products, materials, tasks, and any associated buildings against any harm or theft.


It’s straightforward – improved packing results in fewer damages; EHOUSEMOVERS packers are skilled in specialized methods to guarantee that all your belongings are delivered in impeccable condition. Throughout the years, EHOUSEMOVERS has engineered its own packing supplies, tailored to the unique needs of our clients; this includes exclusive boxes for halogen lamps, bicycles, and the Essential Needs box, among other bespoke items we’ve introduced.

For delicate, high-value possessions, EHOUSEMOVERS’ crating services will provide tailor-made wooden crates designed to safeguard your most valued items.


The EHOUSEMOVERS vehicle fleet stands as a prime illustration of the investments we’ve undertaken not only to enhance cargo security but also to safeguard our drivers and fellow road users. Our trucks come equipped with:

  • Emergency Braking Assistance: Engages full braking power instantly upon detecting unexpected obstacles, ensuring maximum stopping capability.
  • Anti-Backward Rolling: Prevents the vehicle from rolling back on slopes by locking any rearward movement within half a second, especially beneficial during uphill drives.
  • Voight Speed Reducer: Acts as an auxiliary to standard braking systems, effectively decelerating the vehicle on steep and sudden declines to maintain control.
  • Radar Anti-Collision System: Provides timely alerts to the driver about potential obstacles ahead, enhancing reaction times.
  • Air Suspension Control System: Improves vehicle stability during turns by adjusting the truck’s suspension, ensuring a balanced ride.
  • Target Assistance: Supports the driver in maintaining the optimal driving path. It includes a drowsiness detection feature that triggers an alarm to keep the driver vigilant.
  • Computerised Gearbox: Automates gear shifts to ensure a smoother transition, reducing jolts and thus, better safeguarding the transported goods.


The Liftvan, a pioneering innovation from EHOUSEMOVERS, stands out as a highly efficient moving solution. Crafted from durable metal, this reusable container boasts a unique capacity of 10 cubic meters, tailored to offer multiple benefits to those in transition. Its design emphasizes exclusivity and privacy, ensuring that the Liftvan is dedicated solely to your use, without being mixed with other clients’ items or consignments. This feature guarantees the utmost safety and integrity of your personal effects during the moving process.

Moreover, the compact size of the Liftvan significantly enhances its transportability. It is compatible with a wide variety of trucks, making it a versatile option for relocation. This adaptability facilitates smoother logistics, allowing for direct delivery to your new address without the need for transferring your belongings between different containers. The reduction in handling also minimizes the risk of damage to your sealed personal items, ensuring they arrive at your destination just as they were packed.